2020-09-27 22:25:17 来源: 评论:0 点击:
译文:complete safety 例句: 原文:对检查发现的问题要厉行整改,切实消除隐患,确保万无一失。 译文:We must take strict measures to eliminate every identified risk so as to ensure complete safety. 原文:安危冷暖 译文:the safety and interests of the people 例句: 原文:在你们中间,有的同志自觉肩负起促一方发展、保一方平安的政治责任,兢兢业业做好发展和稳定各项工作;有的同志始终把人民群众安危冷暖放在心上,危难时刻挺身而出、冲锋在前,用鲜血和生命守护千家万户安宁幸福。 译文:Among you, some have worked diligently and dutifully to fulfill their political responsibility for promoting local development and ensuring local security. Some have kept the safety and interests of the people in mind and come forward in times of danger or emergency to safeguard happiness and welfare of thousands of families. |