2024-06-18 17:10:18 来源:学苑网校 评论:0 点击:
individual pension accounts 银保监会有关部门负责人近日表示,自去年11月中国宣布实施个人养老金制度以补充国家养老保险机制以来,目前商业银行已开立个人养老金资金账户超过2400万户。 More than 24 million individual pension accounts have been opened since China announced the implementation of its private pension plan to supplement the country's old-age insurance mechanism in November last year, the country's banking and insurance regulator said. 02算力算力computing power 专家表示,随着科技公司争相推出类似ChatGPT的人工智能聊天机器人,这对大型语言模型训练和操作过程中的算力提出了更高的要求,中国的算力行业预计将飞速发展。 China's computing power sector is expected to witness speedy growth as tech companies are scrambling to roll out ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence chatbots, which necessitates higher requirements for computing capacity in the process of large language model training and operation, experts said. |