2020-09-27 22:24:51 来源: 评论:0 点击:
译文:five measures 例句: 原文:要解决好“怎么扶”的问题,按照贫困地区和贫困人口的具体情况,实施“五个一批”工程。 译文:We should determine how to implement poverty relief. According to the different cases of poverty-stricken people and areas, we should adopt five measures. 原文:专项扶贫、行业扶贫、社会扶贫 译文:special projects, corporate support and social assistance 例句: 原文:坚持专项扶贫、行业扶贫、社会扶贫等多方力量、 多种举措有机结合和互为支撑的“三位一体”大扶贫格局,以解决突出制约问题为重点,以重大扶贫工程和到村到户帮扶措施为抓手,以补短板为突破口,强化支撑保障体系,加大政策倾斜力度,集中力量攻关,万众一心克难,确保深度贫困地区和贫困群众同全国人民一道进入全面小康社会。 译文:Special projects, corporate support and social assistance should be integrated to form a joint effort in overcoming bottleneck problems, implementing major programs, taking specific measures for individual villages and rural households, and making breakthroughs in areas of weakness. We should also strengthen support systems, and give preferential policies to severely impoverished areas, whilst rallying the efforts of all sides to solve difficult cases, ensuring that the people in severely impoverished areas lead a moderately prosperous life like people in other parts of the country. |