2020-09-27 22:19:19   来源:   评论:0 点击:




  China and Italy are both remarkable examples of Eastern and Western civilization, and both write splendid chapters in the history of the development of human civilization. Be the birthplace of ancient Roman civilization and the cradle of Renaissance, Italy is known in the Chinese people for its imposing relic sites and masterpieces of great writers in art and literature. Friend ties of our two great civilizations have a long history. China hopes to work with Italy to promote closer personal ties.


  1. 选词错误:remarkable一般指成就突出/显著,可以改为stellar。

  2. 单复数:这里是东西方两大文明,所以应该是Civilizations.

  3. 时态错误:原文是“留下浓墨重彩的篇章”,说明是已经完成,要用现在完成时have written,不能是一般现在时态write。

  4. 用词重复:in the history of human civilization单独使用是可以的,但是Eastern and Western civilizations已经用过civilization了,这是在同一句话中,最好换个词,而且一般也不加the development of,可以改为in the history of human progress。

  5. 语法错误:“作为古罗马文明的发源地和文艺复兴的摇篮”是状语,可以说Being the birthplace of ancient Roman civilization and the cradle of the Renaissance,或者as the birthplace of ancient Roman civilization and the cradle of the Renaissance,不能是be the birthplace of ...

  6. 冠词错误:Renaissance是专业名词,是特指,需要加the,即the Renaissance.

  7. 介词错误:is known in错,is known to sb是固定表达。

  8. 用词错误:writers in art and literature不对,writer是作家,不包括艺术方面的,可以改为great names in art and literature或great writers and artists.

  9. 词性错误:Friend ties错误,修饰名词需要形容词,是friendly。

  10. 介词错误:“中国和意大利两个伟大文明的友好交往”是Friendly ties between our two great civilizations,介词是between,是指两大文明之间的,不是of。

  11. 搭配不当:“友好交往源远流长”不能直译为Friendly ties have a long history,have a long history一般是说国家,今天这里可以说Friendly ties between our two great civilizations go back a long way或The two countries enjoy a long history of friendship.

  12. 用词错误:personal ties错,personal表示个人的,“人文交流”用people-to-people ties/exchanges.


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