2020-09-27 22:18:44   来源:环球教育在线   评论:0 点击:

The Drinking Culture in China


  China has over 500million drinkers, according to a 2008 report by a Chinese association. About 62% ofChina ’s drinkers start their habit between the age of 18 and 25. This is the age that the children are getting mature, most teenagers start to drink beca use they need to maintain social connections.China ’s drinking culture thus keeps all the time.

  中国有超过 5 亿的喝酒的人,根据 2008 年中国某个社团的报告。大约62%的中国酒民在 18 到 25 岁开始他们的喝酒习惯。这这段年龄间,孩子们正处在变得成熟期,大部分的青少年开始喝酒因为他们需要维持社交。中国的酒文化因此一直持续。

  Most girls don ’t like their fathers or boyfri ends to drink, while inChina, it is so common for a man to drink wine and smoke cigarette. Men ’s drinking is a tradition culture inChina, they have their reasons. “For a better career future, you have to accept your boss ’s toast, you also need to drink with your clients ”, a man said, to pleased your boss, every man needs to learn to drink. For the teenagers, it is a way to give your friends respect and merge into the society, everyone around you is drinking, if you don ’t drink, how awkward.


  Drinking in China is a social skill, thus it became a tradition, for all kinds of reasons, people need to learn to drink, while the healthy problem comes. In order to keep healthy, people should not drink too much.



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