教师招聘面试真题:初中英语《In China, we open a gift later》说课稿
2020-05-14 21:12:04   来源:环球教育在线   评论:0 点击:


  Then, let me talk something about the key point and difficult point.

  the key point of this lesson is to make sure students can master the key words such as chopsticks, later, immediately and use the model word “must” “can” correctly.

  While the difficult point is to make sure ss use the model word correctly and help students be confident to speak English in class.


  Now, let me talk about teaching methods and study methods. I will mainly use task-based teaching method. In my class, Various tasks will be used for the students to help them master the new words and the sentence structure. Besides, I will use Total Situational teaching method and Communicative Approach.

  For students, Experiences—Practice—Feedback” is the best way for students to learn.so,in this class, I’ll create more opportunities for my students to practice and show the target languages step by step.


  Next, I'll describe the most important parts of my teaching design—the teaching procedure,which is made up of five steps:warming-up,pre-listening,while-listening,post-listening,summary and homework.

  Step 1 Lead-in

  Firstly, I will sing a song named far away from home with my students together ,and i will do like this And then I will ask ss some questions to lead in our topic. ()

  Students in junior high school are fond of song, the purpose of this design is to arouse ss’ interests and through some questions to naturally lead in our topic In China, we open a gift later.

  Step 2 Pre-listening

  With the help of the PPT, I’m going to present the pictures about these new words such as chopsticks dictionary and read words together several times and compare words later and immediately. After learning each new word, I will lead ss to do card game, make sure every ss has a word card when I say a word, students who has this word card should stand up to say “I’ am here” and read the new word with correct pronunciation.

  And then listen the radio and finish the activity 1and 2, according to activity1and 2, set up a situation for the dialogue. Ask them a question and let them listen the radio with question.

  The purpose of this is to clean the word and arouse the whole Ss’ interests of learning English words and prepare for next step.



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