2020-07-11 14:19:03   来源:环球教育在线   评论:0 点击:


1、blessing n.something that is good or helpful好事;有益之事

eg:What a blessing you weren't hurt in the accident!你在这次事故中没有受伤,真是幸运!

其他词义:God's favour and protection神恩;神的保佑

eg:ask for God's blessing求神保佑


bless v.(esp.imperative in prayers尤用于祷文中的祈使句)(fml.文)(esp.imperative in prayers尤用于祷文中的祈使句)(fml.文)grant health,happiness and赐与(某人/某事物)健康﹑幸福及成功

eg:Bless all those who are hungry,lonely or sick.求神赐福于那些饥饿﹑孤独或患病的人。

2、cash n.money in the form of coins or notes/bills现金

用法:in cash

eg:The shop charges less if the customer pays in cash.用现金支付,在这个商店可以享受折扣。


cash v.exchange sth.for cash将某物兑换成现金

用法:~sth.(for sb.)

eg:cash a cheque(for sb.)(给某人)把支票兑现

3、dairy adj.connected with the production of milk rather than meat乳品业的;生产乳品的

eg:He avoids all meat and dairy products.他不吃任何肉类和奶制品。


dairy cattle乳牛

dairy farm奶场


4、complain v.to say that you are annoyed,unhappy or not satisfied about somebody/something抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚

用法:~to sb.(about/at sth.)

eg:She complained to me about his rudeness.她向我诉苦说他的粗鲁。


compliant n.complaining抱怨;埋怨;不满

eg:The road-works caused much complaint among local residents.修路引起周围居民很多怨言。

5、remind v.to help somebody remember something,especially something important that they must do提醒;使想起

用法:remind sb.about sth.

eg:The girls constantly had to be reminded about their chores.要经常提醒这些女孩做好内务。

remind sb.to do sth.

eg:Remind me to buy some milk tonight.晚上提醒我买些牛奶。

remind sb of sth

eg:That song always reminds me of our first date.那首歌总是让我想起我们的第一次约会。


reminder n.thing which reminds sb.of a fact or person使某人回想起某事或某人的事物;帮助记忆或起提醒作用的东西

eg:The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchill's greatness.这尊塑像使人永远缅怀邱吉尔的伟大功绩。

6、depression n.a period when there is little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs萧条期;经济衰退;不景气

eg:Many people were idle during the depression.萧条时期,很多人都无事可做。

其他词义:being depressed;low spirits忧愁;沮丧;消沉

eg:He committed suicide during a fit of depression.他一时想不开,自杀了。


depress v.①make(sb.)sad and without enthusiasm使(某人)忧愁,消沉,沮丧

eg:Wet weather always depresses me.我在阴雨天总是心灰意懒。

②make(esp.trade)less active使(尤指贸易)不活跃,不景气,萧条

eg:A rise in oil prices depresses the car market.油价上涨导致汽车市场不景气。

depressed adj.very unhappy沮丧

eg:She felt lonely and depressed.她觉得既孤单又沮丧。






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