2020-09-27 22:19:49   来源:环球教育在线   评论:0 点击:




  Facing with the public health crisis, severe economic recession, and other global challenge, all countries have worked together. China stands ready to work with other countries to strengthen international cooperation of covid-19 control, promote stability in world economy, promote global governance, protect the international system with the United Nations at core and an international order that are based on international law,constructing a human community with a shared future.


  1. 搭配错误:Facing with是错的,要不说In the face of,faced with,或者是现在分词facing。

  2. 单复数问题:全球性挑战global challenges,challenges必须是复数,这里说的不止一种挑战。

  3. 时态问题:“各国应携手共进”说的是应该怎样,是要做的事情,不是已经完成的事情,不能说have worked together,应该是should work together。

  4. 介词用错:“加强防疫合作”不能说strengthen international cooperation of covid-19 control,cooperation之后的介词是on/in,使用on居多,strengthen也可以说enhance,step up。

  5. 缺定冠词:“促进世界经济稳定”的“世界经济”应该是the world economy,the不能丢,特指什么经济要加the。此处的“促进世界经济稳定”也可以翻译为promote global economic stability。

  6. 用词重复:“推进全球治理”翻译为promote global governance意思是没错的,但是前面“促进世界经济稳定”promote stability in the world economy已经用过promote了,所以这里的promote不妨换为advance。

  7. 搭配不当:“维护以联合国为核心的国际体系和以国际法为基础的国际秩序”这里面的“维护”搭配的是“体系”system 可以是uphold,safeguard,defend,maintain,但是一般不搭配protect,这个词指的是保护,保障,一般说保障什么权利等。

  8. 缺少物主代词:“以联合国为核心的国际体系”the international system with the United Nations at core这部分core前面缺少物主代词its,英语如果提到的东西是主语的或者某人的,需要加上物主代词。

  9. 简明英语:“国际法为基础的国际秩序”在很多报告文件中都提过,翻译为an international order that are based on international law语法上没错的,但是这里直接用后置定语更简洁,所以可以改为an international order based on international law。

  此外,“国际法为基础的国际秩序”在报告中还可以翻译为an international order underpinned by international law,an international order on the basis of international law。

  10. 缺少连词:“中国将同各国加强防疫合作,促进世界经济稳定,推进全球治理,维护以联合国为核心的国际体系和以国际法为基础的国际秩序”这四个短句之间是并列的关系,是说政府具体要做的事情,翻译为一句话,最后一个并列成分和之前成分之间用逗号+and连接,是“, and uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core and an international order based on international law”。

  11. 具体和抽象:“构建人类命运共同体”这里的“构建”指的是抽象的建设,用building,constructing多指具体的建设,比如房屋,道路,桥梁等这种。

  12. 逻辑错误:“推动构建人类命运共同体”翻译为constructing a human community with a shared future逻辑是不对的,这样分不清到底是uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core and an international order based on international law的状语,还是整段话的状语,这种结构还会导致这一句话太长。

  所以可以把“推动构建人类命运共同体”当作前面所说内容的总结,单独成句,翻译为China is committed to building a human community with a shared future。


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