2020-06-10 22:26:02   来源:环球教育在线   评论:0 点击:

图表作文: 这类作文一般会给出图表和提纲,首先必须读懂图表,搞清楚表中对比的两方面。该类作文的写作步骤为:第一部分,对图表中的相关内容进行说明,特别是体现了一种什么样的关系,接下来可以应用一些数据进行说明; 第二部分多为分析这种现象产生的原因,好多时候需要借助我们自己的知识;第三部分可能是谈你的看法或提出解决的方案。

  公办 外国 其他
九年义务教育 96.5% 3.5% 0%
大学及以后教育 9.5% 89.5% 1%

1. 上图所示为2002年在北京,上海,广州三大城市统计的九年义务教育和大学及以后教育阶段接受公办教育和外国教育的赞同比率,请描述表的内容

2. 简单分析其原因

3. 你的态度和看法


Nine-year compulsory education 九年义务教育 Public school 公办学校

Different Forms of Education

The above table shows that people’s preference for the form of education is different at the stages of nine-year compulsory education and university education and further.

This difference is probably caused by different features of these two forms of education. On one hand, public schools in China are famous for their solid elementary education. Besides, the students at the stage of nine-year compulsory education are not old enough to look after themselves if they go abroad to study. On the other hand, for the university students, to study abroad can widen their vision and enrich their experiences. They are normally able to take care of themselves and ready to accept a large amount of new information, including a possible different education system.

As far as I am concerned, each form of education has its own advantages and disadvantages. There may not be the best form of education, but only the most suitable one.



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