2019-06-28 22:41:09   来源:学苑网   评论:0 点击:

Urging shipment of Goods

  Dear Sirs,

  Subject:Shipment under Contract No.8692

  We refer to Contract No.8692 signed between us on 10th November, 2008 for 5,000 cases Tine Plates, which stipulated for shipment in February, 2009. However, up to the time of writing we have not received from you any information about the shipment of the order in question. As you know, the contracted time of delivery is rapidly falling due and we should hve received your shipping advice by the end of last month.

  No doubt there must have been some reason for the delay in shipping and we hope you will give us a reply explaining the situation and expedeite shipment as much as possible

  We feel sure we shall soon be hearing from you about this business.

  We are awaiting your shipping advice.

  Yours truly,


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