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本次高级口译阅读Section 2的第二篇文章,是一篇经济类文章,来自美国主流经济杂志Business Week(《商业周刊》) 2009年11月12号的一篇经济报道。文章题目为The Dark Side of Incentives(刺激因素的负面影响)。字数750个字。文章主要写到当前在美国经济领域通过“刺激因素(incentives)”来缓解美国存在的经济问题,对于当前使用的经济刺激因素,尤其是激励性的奖励体制(bonus)所带来的负面效应,尤其是社会道德问题进行了批判性的评论与报道。


第六题,According to the passage, the incentive structures governing today’s executive pay in the corporate world ____________.  属于细节题,考生只要找到第一段第三句话,通过对这句话的理解即可解题。考的主要是在阅读中的细节定位的能力。

第七题,Paraphrase “Incentives don’t just fail, they often backfire” (para.3). 这道题属于句意理解题。句意理解题的做法,有典型的五种方法,在这道题中,我们回到第三段,找到这句话在该段第一句,然后通过例子法,发现第三段后面的内容,都是在举例子突出说明第一句的意思,即刺激因素不仅仅会失败,有时甚至会带来负面的效果与影响。

第八题, With the current incentive structure, the rising of sharing prices______.这道题属于细节题,考生需要通过关键词sharing prices 回到第二段,找到相关系的两句话,通过理解即可解题。

第九题,the author introduced the “dual masters of profitability and community service”of the traditional bankers这道题属于课堂中反复操练过的例子功能题。通过dual master这类关键词,回到原文定位,属于第五段内容,而这句明显是第五段supporting 类的句子,它出现的目的是为了论证第五段第一句,即“banking has no moral dimension”。

第十题,考the major conclusion of the author.典型的作者态度题,其实也是在考对于这篇文章main idea理解。即对于目前实行的经济激励机制所带来的社会道德的负面性影响。

第二篇文章:             The Dark Side of Incentives

                                         By Barry Schwartz

Right now, there's little that makes a typical American taxpayer more resentful than the huge bonuses being dispersed at Wall Street firms. The feeling that something went terribly wrong in the way the financial sector is run—and paid—is widespread. It's worth recalling that the incentive structures now governing executive pay in much of the corporate world were hailed as a miracle of human engineering a generation ago when they focused once-complacent CEOs with laser precision on steering companies toward the brightest possible futures.


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