2020-05-16 23:01:20   来源:环球教育在线   评论:0 点击:

  示例范文:Describe a place where people listen to music

  1. Is it necessary for the government to require all children to learn music? 政府有必要让所有孩子学音乐吗?

  Well, I would say it is as musical training has a lot of advantages. For example, it helps develop language and reasoning as well as master a skill of memorization. It builds imagination and intellectual curiosity, develops spatial intelligence and promotes craftsmanship. I am also more than sure that an enjoyable subject like music can keep kids interested and engaged in school as well as help their self-confidence, self-discipline and teamwork, so there is no doubt learning music by all kids should be require the government.

  2. There's a lot of pirated music. Do you agree that we should support official music? 现在有很多的盗版音乐,我们应该保护官方的音乐,你同意吗?

  Of course I do. Official music should definitely be supported by all of us, first of all because it's ethically right to pay for downloaded music as a lot of blood, sweat and tears go into the creation and recording of hit songs, and, secondly, for the sake of the artists who will otherwise be deprived of hard-earned income. All of us want to be paid for the work we've done and musicians are not an exception. So, I am for buying music, no doubt.

  3. There's a saying: 'Music is like Math’. Do you agree? 有一句话说:音乐和数学很像,你同意吗?

  Well, more yes than no as music and maths overlap in all kinds of interesting ways. For example, both of them involve patterns, structures and relationships as well as generate ideas of great beauty and elegance. One more argument for my 'yes' is that music is a fertile testing ground for mathematical principles while maths explains the sounds instruments make and how composers put those sounds together. So, they are definitely connected in fundamental ways, though seem very different on the surface



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