2020-06-08 22:35:09   来源:环球教育在线   评论:0 点击:

Directions:Write a composition entitled How to Deal with Depression. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.





How to Deal with Depression

In recent years, with the increasingly fierce competition, more and more people are bearing great pressure from study, work and life. Under great pressure, many people begin to become sad, hopeless and finally suffer from depression.


Depression has brought great bad influence on one's study, work and life. In fact, depression affects not only one's mind but also his body. Those with severe depression even are unable to continue their work or carry out normal activities. The symptoms mainly include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, not wanting food and trouble sleeping. Besides, depression is linked to many other diseases, like heart disease. What's worse, depression is one ofthe main courses of people's suicide.


Considering the bad effects of depression, it must be taken more seriously. For those patients with depression, first of all, it is important to accept treatment timely instead of covering or ignoring the disease. Besides, people should learn to release pressure and keep a pleasant mood. ActuaUy, the best treatment is a combination of medication and psychological help. Only in this way can people reduce the chance of suffering from depression or get rid of it. (189 words)

鉴于抑郁症的不良影响,必须加以认真对待。对于那些抑郁症患者而言,首先,重要的是要及时接受治疗,而不是遮盖或忽视这种疾病。此外,人们应该学会释放压力,保持愉快的心情。其实,最 好的治疗是将药物治疗与心理帮助相结合。只有这样,才能够减少患抑郁症的可能性或摆脱抑郁症的困扰。


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